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Quick updates with peeks!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:26 AM

This entire week was really testing our tolerance towards cold weather. I have to wear 3 layers to sleep, something I will never ever do in Singapore. Too cold for comfort actually. Haven't been sleeping well for the past few days.

Weekend was great thou. Spend quality time outside and at home. Tried very hard to look for my CNY clothing but I found ZERO outfit suitable. 90% here are winter wear and I must be crazy to wear them in Singapore for CNY.

The husband was lucky thou. He found 2 shirts and need another another pair of bottom and prolly a new pair of shoes to replace that salted-vege lookalike one. Hee... and he also bought new accessories for his yet again new toy. Hope he updates on it soon! ^^

For dinner on Saturday, we tried the Modern Toilet Restaurant which was rather famous in Taiwan too.

I seriously thought I was adventurous enough to eat something off the "toilet bowl" but turn out I lost my appetite totally. Haha... could be due to my damn period too but anyway, the food wasn't exactly fantastic... a good place to visit, just for the theme only. IMO la. :/

Here's my best buys last week!

Rilakkuma alarm clock. I love it lor! For my entire life I have only bought 3 alarm clock. 1 is a hugeass bear shape one (no, not kuma!), one digital one which I left it in Singapore (serve me for chao chao 8 years or more) and now this kuma one. It's definitely not a bimbo looking clock. Loud enough to wake me up from my deepest sleep. Haha...

We used to use our iphone as alarm but the Husband keep telling me putting the phone near us while sleeping is bad for our brains... so I finally found the perfect alarmclock for us. :P It's rather hard to deactivate it lah like the iPhone. For iPhone, you have to wake up, look at screen and slide at the right spot to off the alarm. If not it will snooze until you off it. This kuma alarm clock is you have to push the switch to off it. By then, you confirm eyes big big liao.

Korilakkuma plush hat! I feel very upset that the Rilakkuma version is sold out. I hope I can get it somewhere off Taiwan or Japan now. :(

The husband keep warning me about posting the picture of him in it but I can't resist it! So cute la!

Skullcandy earphone. The Husband got this for me after my much consideration. I was actually looking for the pink Skullcandy Full Metal Jacket one but I couldn't find it anywhere... and this seems to be the closest. Love it nevertheless! Kinda pricey for a earphone but the quality definitely beats many other brands!

Saw this CNY deco at the mall near our place! Can see how much effort they put in to do up the deco. So cute, look at the details! I wanna bring them back home!

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